PT Audiobook All Transmissions

Listen as Amron reads The Priestess Transmissions, a Divine Feminine codex for our modern world, returning us to our uncorrupted blueprint. 

This book is a vital source of knowledge, wisdom, insight and empowerment for women all over the globe.

This codex serves to deconstruct  programming from religion and society that have systematically led women to diminish, enslave and vilify the divine feminine principle within. 

In our conscious return to these codes, we recognize the immense potency of the divine feminine—a presence that can never be destroyed.


What's Next??

Join our Private Space Community!!!



Our FREE Private Space community is available for you to collaborate and be seen and network in a safe environment, and receive updates from me. 

The Next Level is our T5 Live Course replay... a Live activation journey inspired by Transmission 5 of The Priestess Transmissions divine feminine codex.

Find it HERE. 


Our Highest, Most Alchemical Offering:

The Divine Woman Mastery is a 6-month Mastermind container to support you to becoming a highly paid spiritual leader. You'll receive mentorship for your business and spiritual platform and money code activations to expand your earning potential. With this container, you'll receive access to Amron's Vault - where she makes her own spiritual offerings available to you to add to your spiritual toolkit and begin earning money leading other women into their greatest empowerment. 


$44.00 USD